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Recreation CoordinatorDIY Horse Racing Game
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“Keep up the good work, Golden Carers. I couldnt do my job without you!”
Julia Barnes, Activity Coordinator
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Our residents love horse racing, we made our horses with pool noodles (one noodle makes 2 horses) and then we put them on plungers.
I'm glad people are enjoying my activity!
Wonderful activity, so much fun & laughter & very inclusive. We had 6 staff participants including our manger as the horses. We set up the race track on the floor & added novelty squares, such as "swap places with horse number 2". Clients were in groups of three & had their own horse. Everyone won a prize at completion of the race.
Community Care officer
Great to hear! Thanks for your feedback.
Great Activity! Our Group had a blast. We modified it slightly as we had more than 6 participants. Instead we had each person roll the dice in turn. We also placed bets, but slightly differently, we sell raffle tickets to pay for our Clients' Christmas luncheon (in the Community) and this time each client got a ticket in the draw for participating, then they could buy tickets for the usual price and choose to put them in the draw or bet them on the horse they thought would win. If they picked the winning horse they got extra tickets in the draw.
Lifestyle Assistant
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Horse Racing