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Music has been proven to be very beneficial for the elderly in long term care, particularly those living with dementia or Alzheimer's Disease.
Studies have shown that music promotes better health through the enjoyment of listening, dancing and singing.
Music also triggers long forgotten memories and enables residents to engage and reach a higher level of functioning.
Related: The Benefits of Individual Music Activities for the Elderly
Music has never been more affordable or easier to access. Websites such as ‘YouTube’ and ‘Spotify’, offer a wide variety of music free of charge.
Here is a brief description of YouTube and Spotify including links to music playlists we have created that are free to use.
YouTube has quickly become one of the most popular ways for people to listen to music.
You can even create your own playlists on YouTube, which is like a list of music videos that will automatically play one-after-the-other. Visit YouTube here:
Here are links to 4 play lists on YouTube we have put together for you to use with your clients:
Spotify is a music service that has an almost limitless range of songs and artists. There is a free version supported by ads, and a paid version for $12 a month without ads.
To use Spotify you will need to create an account and download software for your computer or smart phone / device. To get started simply go to their website and follow the instructions from there.
Here are links to 4 playlists on Spotify we have created for you. If you click "Follow" on the playlist, you will be notified when we add new music to the playlists.
Both are great and well worth checking out.
Note: Please make sure to follow the relevant terms and conditions of each service.
Songs for Seniors Quiz
Sing-along with Picture Cards
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