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“Thank you so much!! You provide such an awesome service to us! You are really appreciated.”
Del McAlister, Activity Officer
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When I do reminiscing I try to have visual and tactile objects...eg women's reminiscing I use two old style beauty cases and have things in them like a corset with stockings, petticoat, jewellery, cosmetic mirror, dressing table set...hairbrush etc, lipstick, evening bag, hair net, curlers (the metal ones), scarf etc. This always brings about many memories and discussion - especially when I bring the corset out!!
Hi Joanne, excellent reminiscing ideas, thank you for sharing. I too had a great deal of response from a Bridal reminiscing with the residents able to handle bridal dresses, hair accessories and invitations.
Some fantastic reminiscing idea's, thank you!
Thanks for your feedback Elizabeth!
Great ideas for reminiscing with clients. often unrelated activities lead to reminiscence but organising a dedicated session brings more client involvement.