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“Amazing!!!!! Soooo helpful and my 1st go to for quizzes! Thank you!”
Karen Casey, Activity Co-ordinator
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This is an absolutely brilliant resource! Thank you. Love this site!
Thanks so much for your feedback Meg!
Need advice, on one of my ND shifts a resident was restless and could not settle.
Resident stated they had no pain and nothing was wrong just couldn't sleep.
I did not inform RN as this is this residents usual habit. I progressed noted the restlessness. RN stated that I should of reported to her as I made her look like that she wasn't doing her job properly. Also that I should not of used the word restless as that is a very strong word. I realise now that I should of informed RN but I do not think my choice of discription was wrong.
I would like to asked a favour how to write progress notes , as a second language its hard for me to put the right sentence , after all hard work for all practical activities i have provided to the residents for day and my brain gone blank what to put into the progress note . thx
Hi Virginia, I hope you can use some of the examples in this article to help you. I'm sure it is hard when english is not your first language. Remember to be short and to the point when describing events and use objective language - you are trying to just say in a clear way what happened. All the best. Here are some more tips:
have you a template of progress notes I have just started Lifestyle and Leisure course - need to do an example of progress notes, referral reports?
Hi Debbie, progress notes are very simple documents. You just need to record the resident name, date, your comments and signature. I hope this helps.
how to write a significant change progress note
Hi Pat, progress notes are a succinct summary of relevant facts occurred to clients on your shift. For instance, if support for a client is increased, due to health deterioration, you should write what support was provided and how the client managed (mood). Stick to essential information you have observed and report what client says oo/and feels. Write events in an objective, respectful, and non-judgmental manner; refrain from using words like: uncooperative, abusive, hysterical, but if you need adverbs have them accompanied by an explanation/clarification of the circumstances. The significance of Progress Notes depends on following the guidelines and your choice of words.
Progress notes are an ongoing struggle for all, this is a great little refresher. Thanks!
Thanks for your feedback Melissa!
Progress notes are challenging and I believe we all need education on that especially in care plans where they are Patient centred, and getting all staff involved.
I would like to know how to write better progress notes as a registered nurse
fabulous,thanks so much...looking forward very much to the identifying needs, writing goals write up.