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I Spy

I Spy I Spy
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“Amazing!!!!! Soooo helpful and my 1st go to for quizzes! Thank you!”

Karen Casey, Activity Co-ordinator

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Jayleen  avatar

This is great! I do a similar activity with my residents from the patio in their units. "Fresh Air I Spy". We don't have many opportunities to take outings, so I plant a few "trinkets" around the seating area and spy them with the residents. Lots of fun!

Some ideas:

- A vehicle

- A bird

- A flower/plant

- A pedestrian

- A cloud

- Then the trinkets! :)

Melanie Felicity  avatar

I love I spy and have often played it with residents. It is especially good to use for naming things that we use and live with every day.

Angelika avatar

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: I Spy

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