10 Activities for International Women's Day
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I am planning a complimentary Afternoon tea at my village, followed by a screening of a feminist documentary in the cinema. I would like to gift the women in my village with a small touch, what would you do?
I would be skipping a feminist documentary
Hi Marisa
Your ideas sound good
If you want to give them some thing you could make each a certificate of some thing that they are good at
You can alter these certificates
Here are some other ideas for gifts
Let us know what you decide to do
Hi Janepher
I am sure you are going to get much information and ideas from this site
If you have any question I would like to share a great activity we would love to hear it
Am new from Africa
Hi Darlene, thank you for your kind comments. You are a very caring and enthusiastic Activity Coordinator, and you go a long way to make your clients happy. Congratulations!
I used these ideas to organize a fun day for women's day at my facility this week. It was a HUGE hit. I invited a well known women in the community to give a talk/chat/discussion reminiscing on the old days when women did not have washers, driers, and refrigerators. We even had an old scrubbing board and old hand sewing machines, old irons. I found a nice video clip on youtube with two famous women. Oprah Winfrey interviewing Maya Angelou. That triggered a great discussion on aging with grace and how gratitude helps us live longer. I am getting LOTS of positive remarks about how much fun the entire day was, and we even got coverage in the local newspaper. THANKS so much for making the planning and executing of this women's day event so doable!