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Hello, these are so delightful, do you have any from Australian artists eg, Margaret Olly?
I have a resident that just loves her work with fruit.
thank you
Thanks so much for your feedback Wendy, we will see what we can do!
We had already used all of the famous artists' works previously available in our painting sessions; and I am especially delighted to see that there are so many wonderful new artists and further options to choose from. This makes a delightful and well-rounded activity as we can talk a bit about the artist, their life, inspiration and work as we each work on completing our own vision/version of his/her painting.
Thank you!
- Christie
Thank you so much for your feedback Lesleah!
I am so excited that my Administration accepted the subscription to your wonderful site!!!
I look forward to utilizing all that you offer! :)
Oh thank you Carolyn! We're so happy to have you on board and hope you enjoy the website. Please keep us posted!