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“Golden Carers is the Lifestyle Bible!”
Karen Buckley, Activities Assistant
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A nice idea. I should try that one:)
Thanks Ligaya! Love to hear how you go!
Hi Lyn, I am glad it worked for you. It was also a very successful activity in our facility. Thank you for sharing.
Hi All,
I made some of your balloon bean bags and it was very successful. I used wheat which had been in my freezer to kill any mites/nasties.
The residents are very high care and at the time none were ambulant. One resident is 92 years young and very alert, mobilises around in his wheelchair; this resident uses the balloon ball I made to assist him with exercises for his hands and I am also going to use them for upcoming ball games. I made various sizes as well as colours. The filling varied as well more/less as this makes a difference in how they feel soft/hard. This activity certainly drew a lot of attention from all in the facility.
Cheers, Lyn
What a great idea...Cann\'t wait to get started
I love this idea... Thanks Im going to give it a go this week, thought they would be good to use for my residents with arthritic hands and give pleasure to other resident making them for them.
I love this idea ...Thanks so much cant wait to add it to my craft activities.
I love this idea ...Thanks so much cant wait to add it to my craft activities.
I ve alo used bird seed filling and have cut small holes in balloons so different colours show through. Can also be used for hand grip exercises.