ANZAC Day Service

ANZAC Day Service ANZAC Day Service
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Susan avatar

Hi Yuranigh

It appears as if Shirley is no longer in member of Golden Carers but it may be somebody else can help you out

I do not know anything about the veterans affairs of the last post but it’s worth contacting them if you can

Vikki avatar

Thank you Solange for your information, we also recognise Anzac Day usually the day before as I don't work public holidays, one little personal touch we do is to recognise residents or their family members who have served in any way from any country, I take their names and read them out during our service, it brings a feeling of them being thanked for their part. As we are a smaller facility this only takes a few minutes but adds to our service.

Talita avatar

Thank you for sharing this Jenni, it sounds like a lovely morning and a wonderful way to commemorate ANZAC day.

Jenni avatar
Jenni Recreational Activities Officer

Our residential facility's ANZAC Service was on Thursday before A.D. The President of local RSL sub-branch led the service, he gave a talk on the A.D. significance and his Vietnam service etc., a hymn was sung, a resident gave the Ode, we listened to the Last Post, Rouse, sung National Anthem. The residents followed an order of service which I'd prepared. Our gardening staff presented a beautiful large wreath of fresh flowers and greenery that they'd made for the residents and then we all shared in a lovely morning tea.

Villan avatar
Villan Recreational Activity Officer

We celebrate Anzac Day at our place by inviting the local RSL club. Their representative will come and host our Anzac Day program. A local brass band brighten up the place and also our Chaplain read messages from the Bible and our Residents felt the spirit you can see some of them are in tears. Im a new member and truly grateful for being one. Your site provide many ideas to choose from. Thank you so much.

Talita avatar

Thanks for sharing Villan, that sounds wonderful! Thank you for your lovely feedback too, it is so much appreciated.

Lynette  avatar

We recognize ANZAC day on the nearest working day prior. This then allows our residents to take part in the official events in the community on ANZAC Day. We always give our returned service men and women special acknowledgement at this service and involve them in creating our floral tribute which is then taking to the service on the day. Our local RSL is also able to send a guest speaker if it is not conflicting with their events. The local state government member of parliament has a DVD of the National anthem to use as part of the service, words are on screen and there is a variety of style to choose from to personalize your service send an email, or write. They can also help with a new flag.

Joanne avatar
Joanne Leisure and Lifestyle Co ordinator

Don't forget to include the New Zealand national anthem too, as this is what the NZ in ANZAC stands for.

Carol avatar

We request the local RSL to come and perform the service. This year they are coming on the 22nd April as they have had so many requests. Any time the week prior is ok.

We also give all the residents who attend a red silk carnation, which we get them to place on a tray during the service (equivalent to wreath laying). We arrange the flowers in small vases and place them in each wing for the rest of the week.

karen avatar
karen activity co-ordinator dementia

we always hold our service the day before and have the local r.s.l come in and assist as they alsoarrange a wreath laying service this works very well for our residents


karen n.s/w

dorothy  avatar

thankyou for this i will certaintly be using this it is very helpful


Christine avatar

Hi Deb I work for the Salvation Army we recognise Anzac Day each year with a service as we don't work Public holidays we always have the service the day before .This has also been supported by Politicians The local Mayor and the RSL so I don't think you will have a problem

debbie avatar

I think this is a wonderful idea, but i have a question if anyone can help.

Is it appropriate to run Anzac Day on April 24th as our community centre is only open on Wednesday and Thursday. Anzac Day is on a Thursday this year and our centre does not open on public holidays.

What is the general opinon of most people. I am not sure if I should run it, don't want to be politically incorrect.

Thanks Debbie

Wendy avatar

I always run the program the day before, I have the chaplin or Priest read and sing hymns and also read a bit about the history. You can invite the local RSl to read soem thing. We also have a showing of arms from soliders, in past some were army and navy and have a bugler play the last post ect. I have obtained pins to sell on the day and made poppies . Rosemary is also used at Anzac Day. We lower the flag at our facilty also.

I make a program for the day and give it to each resident who attends

and try to get a display of past items, old army gear ect

hope its helpful

debbie avatar

Thank you christine for your comment, With everyones comment I will be running the Anzac Day Service. This is a wonderful site to ask peoples ideas and views .

Thanks Again


Christine avatar

Hi Deb we recently celebrated Australia Day on the 25th Jan as no AO on site on the 26th Jan, the Residents were very happy and I believe that if we cannot acknowledge these special days on that which they fall is a sign of the times and I think that we as AO's have an extra opportunity that allows our Residents/Clients celebrate these special day twice, once in the facility and then out in the Community if they are able too. the point I am trying to make is celebrating/acknowledging our Residents/Clients cultural needs and spiritual needs is one of the factors that make them feel special and is part of their identity I believe that it is more benificial to them to celebrate early where necessary then not at all. Go for it.!!!!

Cheers, Christine

Solange avatar

Hi Debbie, When I worked for the Lutheran Aged care I didn't work on Fridays and a couple of times Anzac Day fell on Friday and I always had the service on Thursday. I gave lots of notice to the pastor so he booked us on that date. I don't think it matters as long as you give people enough notice. It is much better than not celebrating at all.

Shirley avatar

Thank you, I used some of the information for our service.

A CD is available from Veterans Affairs with Last Post, The Rouse, National Anthem etc Shirley NSW

Yuranigh  avatar

Hey just wondering where you got the Cd from

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