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“Amazing!!!!! Soooo helpful and my 1st go to for quizzes! Thank you!”
Karen Casey, Activity Co-ordinator
to comment
Please show more information on interventions, documentation, goals and plan of care for patients with dementia and alzheimer's disease in a long-term care facility, aka Senior nursing facility (SNF).
Thank you.
I’m so lucky to have found this wed site it’s full of wonderful ideas it makes my job very easy , I love browsing to see what I will find next
Thank you so very much for your feedback Mary x
If I may comment and adjust your , "Who Am I" Game; I have one made up in a 3 ringed binder book called" Famous Faces Biography".
On the front side of a page in sheet protector, I place a large color print portrait of a person for all residents/clients to view, and on the back side of this photo portrait I write the phrases as you have. I start with, "my claim to fame is .... a sportsman i.e. Wayne Gretsky; or a politician i.e. Chamberlin, or a musician of country music i.e. Johnny Cash, ect.
This way, depending on the audience, they have a chance to view the person. For crowds with higher cognitive function, I ask the more difficult biography phrases first to give them more of a challenge.
Darla Spiry
Activity Coordinator in Canada
Great suggestion and extension to this activity Darla, thank you!
Would it be possible for more "Who am I" quizzes...Have a great day
The residents always enjoy this activity.
my resident love the who am i style games :)