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“Amazing!!!!! Soooo helpful and my 1st go to for quizzes! Thank you!”
Karen Casey, Activity Co-ordinator
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Also this month, for Australians and New Zealanders: ANZAC Day wreaths. Use 2-3 egg cartons per wreath, painting each segment after cutting it from the carton. Black felt, buttons or similar are glued to the centre before attaching to the circle of cardboard, once the paint is dry.
This is absolutely beautiful Nicky. I will add this as a separate activity for ANZAC Day.
Hi Julie
Excellent idea
You can use the paint chips for many other things also
Lori -- if you want to color eggs with Dementia residents, try colored plastic eggs and let them put spring themed stickers on the eggs. When they are done, you can fill them with a little treat. You can try stickers with hard boiled eggs but depending on what level they are in their dementia, egg holding while decorating may be a challenge.
How do you color Easter eggs without being too messy for all Dementia residents
I collect paint sample cards from the hardware they often come in different 3 colours on one card I cut them into egg shapes residents assemble
Hi Lori, with dementia clients it would be better to cut off easter eggs from yellow construction paper. For decoration cut strips of colored paper and also cute pictures from magazines and old calendars. Dealing with glue is not as messy as paint.
We've been doing this activity too. To ring the changes we leave the circle complete and use scrunched up tissue paper to decorate the centre.
just renewed my membership and found this idea thanks guys, its such an invauable resource
This is a great idea! And one that everyone can do!
What a wonderful Idea. I am so glad I have joined your Golden Carers group. I had run out of Ideas.
So thanks. Newbie client. Lorraine
Thanks for another great idea