Match Songs with Artists: 1960s

Match Songs with Artists: 1960s
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Kaylene avatar
Kaylene Leisure & Lifestyle Coordinator

So sad we are not allowed to sing at the moment!

Phil avatar

We play music every time I visit my elderly friends. I have a Beats Pill and I subscribe to Spotify so they can choose any song, artist or genre they want. We love it. It was country and the Beatles this morning along with Glen Miller and the soundtrack from High Society.

Great fun

Waldon  avatar

OH my goodness we did this yesterday and they loved it. We played the a bit of the song first and then they tired to remember the name and the artist. Was quite fun!! We are going to download sound bits to our ipod and use it with the quiz. Everyone was singing out loud to the songs.

Talita avatar

This is so great to hear! Thanks for your feedback Waldon!

Glynis avatar

Fantastic, it creates a good sing-a-long as well as a quiz