
Shared By

Rita Lifestyle Coordinator

Chair Soccer

Chair Soccer Chair Soccer
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“Your website has wonderful ideas, it gets the creative juices flowing! Money well spent :D”

Kathleen Constance, Lifestyle Assistant

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Christine avatar

tks for sharing,will try in Day centre setting

Talita avatar

Love to hear how it goes Christine!

Lifestyle FlagstaffHill avatar

Great idea, Thanks for sharing

Cathy avatar

Another way to play chair soccer is by using a beach ball and a bowling pin.

Seat the residents in a circle and place the pin in the middle.

The object is to try to knock over the bowling pin.

This can be done as a simple exercise or as a fun competition between the residents (1 point for everytime they knock down the pin), or as a team (every second person is on the same team...we use colored pinnies).

If there are people in the group that cannot kick you can give them a hockey or broomball stick. I will often do a quick pick-up game of Soccer Broomball.

Not only are you working the lower and upper body, but also eye-hand coordination and reflexes and most importantly, creating a fun, all-inclusive activity.

Molhuysen avatar

I love your idea Cathy! going to try this out on miy residents !

Rita avatar

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Chair Soccer