Name The Flowers Quiz #2
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“I love this site so much! Thanks for all your great ideas.”
Meredith Sheldon, Activities Officer
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Because I have just joined, I am enjoying looking at what you have on offer that I can use for our seniors in our village. I think it's fascinating to have the variety you have to choose from. Thank you for your effort and hard work to make life easy for the rest of us.
Hi Tapuitia
Thank you for your kind words
You are right there’s quite a variety of activities here
If you would like to share anything that works well with your residents feel free to do so
In the meantime enjoy all there is to offer here
Also if you have any questions feel free to ask them because the members are very creative smart and willing to share
Thank you again
Name the flowers visuals are brilliant for all residents. They are a bright and cheerful activity especially during the present difficult time. This activity is a great group conversation stimulator.
Thanks so much for your feedback Janice!
What kind of activities do you suggest for visually impaired besides Who am I or what am I?
We have a sensory garden... for touch and smell. Plants like rosemary, curry plant , choc mint , lemon scented thyme just to mention a few. The resident is encouraged to touch the plant , rub leaves between fingers and smell. I see if they can guess what the plant is. Also sensory jars with things like coffee beans , cloves, orange peel etc... same idea... smell and guess what the contents of the jar is . Different balls.... furry, smooth , bumpy etc to touch. Music and instruments to shake or beat in time....