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Joanna Community Engagement Support Worker

Intergenerational Activities: Making the most of our local community

Intergenerational Activities: Making the most of our local community Intergenerational Activities: Making the most of our local community
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“I love your website and activities, it has opened a whole new field for me.”

Annatjie Greeff, Professional Nurse

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JoAnn avatar

The programme I started last year has expanded to 10 classrooms visiting 7 different facilities. All you have to do is find an enthusiastic teacher who can get her administrators permission to attend. It is sooooooooooooo good for both generations. The kids like it and their new friends really enjoy their monthly visits. Just start one, the rest will come.

Lifestyle Salisbury avatar

Yes its fantastic we have been working with schools and play groups for years now it brings so much joy.

Joanna avatar
Joanna Community Engagement Support Worker

Hi, if you've been doing this for a while, perhaps you can give me some advice! I'd love to hear how you cover yourselves in terms of taking photographs of the children and the adults? The new GDPR is proving very challenging and I don't seem to be able to get a definitive solution?

Solange avatar

Well done Joanna, how lucky is your organization to have you around? Thank you very much

for sharing.

JoAnn avatar

I started a programme similar to this in the fall of 2017. I contacted a teacher at a local elementary school to see if she would like to develop a relationship between her class and a retirement residence. It started with one partnership. There are now 8 partnerships. It is totally amazing to see the seniors and the buddies interacting. They have written biographies, creative writing, poetry, now and then activity, lots of music, arts and crafts and lots of other fun activities.

I am volunteering with this programme and actually fundraised to get money to pay for all the bus transportation. It has proven to be a wonderful programme for everyone involved.

Joanna avatar
Joanna Community Engagement Support Worker

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Intergenerational working & making the most of our local community.

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