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Claudia McPhail, Senior Support Worker
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Thank you for your suggestion Beckie
You could cut card stock to the desired size in an assortment of colours, then you don't need to worry about using paint swatches.
Hi, Elaine, thank you for your feedback. Very few people would steal paint color charts, and I agree with you; it is not the right thing to do. I believe most people would ask the shop owner for paint charts they no longer need like fazed out, discontinued paint, and bankrupt paint companies. For sure they would like to see it recycled. Cheers
With all due respect, I believe that taking paint swatches from a store to play games with Residents is stealing. The paint swatches are for customers who are looking to paint walls and buy their paint. Stores have to pay money for those swatches, and ultimately, those charges go back to customers. If they wanted anyone to just help themselves for whatever reason other than painting, they would have posted signs to just help yourself. I believe honesty is a good habit we should all follow. Saying this respectfully.
Sounds Fun thank you will try
Instructoins for a game of go fish can be found here:
do you have instructions for Go Fish we have never heard of it thanks a lot
Great activities!!!
13 Colors should be enough! I just collect more each time I go to the hardware store.
sounds interesting. think I'LL GIVE IT A TRY i'm wondering how many colors to get? maybe 13?
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Color Go Fish