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Recreation Therapist And Writer
Team Leadership: Discipline & Workplace Performance
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“I love all of your creative ideas! Thank you very much!”
Margaret Bossemeyer, Retired Teacher
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Aj.thanks for the idea of a music history week.Im for sure going to do this!! I .myself have been running out of ideas.
Hi Elize, you should have a record of everything you do. Have you heard of the saying: “If it is not documented, it didn’t happen”.? Care Plans, Progress Notes, Residents Profile, Hand-over sheets, among other records make the continuity of care easier. Records can be hand-written or computer-based (electronic) or a combination of both. Record keeping ensures professionalism and provides protection for residents and staff. You can start with the links below but I urge you to contact other care facilities and find out what sort of records the Government in your country requires.
Hi Darla
I like your thinking
There in my opinion are some people who just are not meant to do activities
There are also some who are naturals
I think you can get your best from any staff member if you complement them as often as possible
Herein lies the struggle, each employee gives what they can. Some give 45%, some give 80%, some give 110%. As a manager, recognizing what an employee is capable of giving on any given day. A casual employee may give 110% on a one day fill in, but give the residents 65% when given 2-3 weeks worth of steady work (or a position). I find it is not for lack of trying to come up with creative ideas, but too much full time causes energy to diminish - a complacency.
In addition, illnesses, medical leaves, and "sick time" awarded without coverage can cause those taking on extra duties or double duties stress and discouragement.
Perhaps this thread will not be posted, Please keep the views in mind for future articles.
I would like to comment when I return home from work today. All your challenges are familiar. after reading Haley's article, I go to work and rethink how we plan and implement programs - particularly during these covid times.
Hi Darla
I look Forward to your comment
I have a staff member who came onto the team very excited and has lost momentum. I think it's a combination of pandemic burnout and possibly a few other things, but the activities have seemed to have been a bit lacking on her floor.
I have provided suggestions on activities and she always gives an excuse that she asks the residents and they say they would rather sit in their rooms. She always has the excuse that "the residents don't want to do anything". This particular floor has always been a bit challenging, but it is part of her responsibility to be a cheerleader for them and encourage them to get out and try something new. Anyone else experience a situation like this?
Hi There,
I don't know what part of the US you are in, but I know it is so difficult to keep activities going at the level we are used to during this time. We are taught to engage residents, get them out of their rooms, socialize, socials, parties, music groups, church groups, etc. We aren't able to do any of that now and for a lot of people it has been difficult to adjust. It took us a good couple of months to really get into the swing of things and establish a new norm. And yes, the residents do want to sit in their rooms. Think about why. They are scared too. For months they've been hearting about a terrible virus and their room/home is safe. I think we are all up for a major challenge to return to normal activities, whenever that will be.
Have you tried providing her with materials? Do you have tablets/iPads for use? There are TONS of things on this site you can use for one on one visits. We started a new program this month called "This Week In Music History", all info is taken from the GC, highlighting music events/songs from that week. You can use the tablet/iPad to play the songs for the residents. This opens up reminiscing, recall of song lyrics, etc.
Hi Carolyn
I had to take a medical leave of absence
When I came back some of the staff members changed
They did not seem to do their job so I had to step in and made suggestions as to what to do
I like to have an activity bag that you can pull things out of if necessary
This article should help her
Hy Carolyn, it seems to me that she is lacking enthusiasm. Lack of enthusiasm leads to a lack of attitude. Then again, it could be that she is just feeling temporarily out of depth with her tasks. It happens. - it is not easy to motivate residents. Perhaps if another staff member would help her to organize a group activity she would feel supported and change her frame of mind. After all, we all want to be proud of the work we do and be acknowledged for it. As you said the floor is challenging and she must be feeling drained and frustrated. If staff is not available perhaps a volunteer could help her out.