ANZAC Day Poster

ANZAC Day Poster
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Emma avatar

My residents are embracing the great idea of the Anzac wreath. Have started already. Out of this activity come the stories about the war days. Fascinating listening. Wreath should be ready come Anzac Day !!!. Fantastic idea.

Carol avatar

Fantastic Poster, thank you.

Joanne avatar

Could we please have a poster with remembrance on? Thank you.

Talita avatar

Hi Debbie, thanks for your lovely feedback.

You're quite right, poppies are traditionally part of Remembrance Day but they are also increasingly being used as part of Anzac Day. I will see what we can do about getting a Rosemary version up in time for Anzac Day.

Thanks Debbie.

Debbie avatar
Debbie Recational Activities Officer

it is my understanding that poppys are for remberance day, is it possible to have a poster of rosemary? Thank you so much for all the useful information I have recieved since joining....It is greatly appreciated as I am very New to the role of Recational Activities Officer. They are of enormous help,

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