Australian Bookmarks for Australia Day

Australian Bookmarks for Australia Day Australian Bookmarks for Australia Day
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Leonie avatar

Thanks for the wonderful idea filling in for a few weeks this activity will be great

Janelle avatar

Thank you for your great ideas, so useful and encouraging. This keeps me wanting to do better and not stuck trying just to think of things. You are a blessing to me and the residents including the volunteers! :)

Shirley avatar

Thankyou for the Australia Day Book Marks, Residents and I have had a lovely time together making them. Shirley NSW

matylda avatar

what a great activity ,I will try it with my

residents.Iam sure

they will look beautiful .Matylda

Solange avatar

Great idea Marilyn, thank you. I might do one and place a photo on the website for our colleagues to see how lovely they look.

Marilyn avatar
Marilyn Lifestyle support - aged care

These can also be made from collected Australian leaves, flowers etc and laminated. Take your residents for a walk, have someone carry a basket (particularly good for those with sight impairments, dementia, or in wheelchairs)and either you or others "collect" the items residents point out for you. A good way to awaken the senses, and another lovely way to celebrate all things Australian. Take them back and use them as above....

judy avatar

So glad I joined up to your very useful and fun site! thanks - Judy nsw

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