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Emerald Crest Occupational Therapy

Caption the Pictures #2

Caption the Pictures #2
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“Thank you so much!! You provide such an awesome service to us! You are really appreciated.”

Del McAlister, Activity Officer

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Lesley avatar
Lesley Lifestyle/Engagement Officer

I have used these pictures to create a weekly competition for some of my residents and the staff with the best and funniest caption winning a small selection of goodies.

Thankyou so much for the wonderful activities.

Talita avatar

Love hearing how you are using this activity. Thank you for your feedback Lesley!

Marion avatar

Fantastic! Thanks for sharing. I collect funny pictures and make them to use as books to look through with residents I provide 1-1 visits for. These are perfect and so funny! I look forward to resident remarks. I know they'll enjoy them.

Talita avatar

Thanks so much for your feedback Marion. What a great idea for 1:1 visits!

Emerald Crest avatar

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