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Kelly Recreation Therapist

Chick Hatching Program for Seniors

Chick Hatching Program for Seniors
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Quambie  avatar

We are in rural W.A i just put a notice out on fb and managed to borrow a hatcher box and some fertile eggs all given freely as a loan its great as we work on a very small budget

Jodie avatar

We got ours through Henny Penny Hatchlings. Our residents loved the babies so much I approached my local Social Club to buy us a chicken pen. We ended up with the most beautiful Chicken Pen and kept our chicks, our resdients spend hours everyday outside nursing them and caring for them :)

Rhoda avatar

Do we have this in New Zealand ???

Jackie avatar

I have done this twice this year with my residents. A member of our community loaned us an incubator & a friend gave us the eggs, therefore this cost us nothing. We all had a wonderful time & enjoyed the experience. This is worth doing - to see the enjoyment & smiles on all the residents faces was worth it....even if we had a 21 day wait.

Deb avatar


Thank you for your help. We finally heard back from the living eggs organisation and they advised us that their server crashed that is why they lost our bookings and all our emails etc.

We left a lot of phone messages but they never got them either.

So now I'm pleased to say that we will visit us on the 19th August.

Yippie!! Thanks once again Deb

Marta avatar

Hi, I am happy to supply the requested information. I hope this helps.

Contact for Chicken Hatching Program Activity

Carole Back

Phone: 1800 047 730

Fax: 07 5335 1612


email: [email protected]

Deb avatar


Just adding to my last comment. We used http://www.livingeggs.com.au/ to book the living eggs We followed all the booking instructions etc. Im just wondering if anyone used anything different than what has been stated above and if so can they please let me know.

Deb avatar


I was wondering what web site you used to book the living eggs because I used the web site recommended by a member and we booked a date etc. in SA we called them they never returned our calls we emailed them they never replied, the residents were busy fund raising and when the day came they never turned up. All our resident are very disappointed. Can you please confirm who you booked it through.


Ingrid avatar

We just had this activity last week at our facility and let me say .... It was the BEST money spent ..... All the residents got something from it , some reactions were surprising and priceless . This al so encouraged family to come in and bring the grand kids to pet and hold the chicks so the residents got more visitors as well - fantastic !!! We have it booked for Easter next year too !!!

Talita avatar

I have added the link to the Living Eggs program to the activity.

Here it is again:


Angela avatar

This sounds great! What is the name of the Company you organised this through?

Cheryl avatar
Cheryl Liesure & lifestyle Officer

Who do we contact to be able to run this program at our facility

Sounds like a great idea

Felicity  avatar

I recently ran this porgram at my facility for Easter, it was very well recieved from all residents, staff and families

Talita avatar

Wonderful idea Kelly, thanks for sharing!

Kelly avatar

A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Living Eggs Program