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Recreation TherapyEileen Doughty
Recreation Manager
I did your DIY bingo game using the names of residents who play bingo and all the names of the staff; both first and last names. My residents love it! They are learning everyones names and enjoy it so much when their name is called! I love Golden Carers.
looking to add larger events to my facility's calendar, does anyone have any recomendations or ideas? I would like to add groups that maybe involve bringing in a guest speaker or entertainer thats different than the regular events and musical performances we put on. looking for things out of the ordinary!
Hi here are some ideas which i have held in my facilities we have 71 residents.
We hosted a vintage vehicle display on the ground of the home the residents loved looking at the old vehicles. we also held a dog show.
For the dog show we had rosettes for winners and certificates for all who entered, a local dog groomer judged on the day, the residents loved seeing the different dogs.
Have a local football champions visit with their winning cup, decorate the home with the local football colours and get families and residents to wear their club colours make it a party day with music.
We held a family summer BBQ, country and western theme. all dress in check shirts and cowboy hats, residents made props for the day such as cardboard cacti plants and signs for bar, food etc. which they painted, we invited a local country and western singer along, had a magician and the ice-cream van visited it was brilliant.
we have also had a speaker in from the local museum with world war items for the residents to look at. we held an antique fair with a local antique collector, and also had some ladies come in and churn butter the old way residents love these type of events.
hope this is of some help