
Gail  avatar

Hi Debi, we had an Ekka day last year. We had some residents decorate and fill small bags with goodies eg: small chocs, chips, as sample bags, also played games such as knock em downs also had a art and craft exhibition with residents displaying their craft and had other residents and staff judge the 1st , 2nd ,3rd and gave winners a certificate and scratchies/choc. the residents loved the fairy floss , you may be able to find someone who has a small fairy floss machine and make your own a lot cheaper i\'m sure. how about having small animal nursery visit . good luck gail

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Terrie Scott
Activity Director United States Flag
Terrie Scott

I just love this website. I feel like every time I get on here, I stay on forever. I am always finding something new to try out on our residents. Thank you!