
Opal  avatar

I am hoping that you will be able to give me some coping strategies for dealing with a very very difficult resident. She is high cognitive functioning with slight short term memory loss. She is very demanding and critical ( she is a regular visitor to the manager) and causes other residents also to become demanding. She is an " I want" person and not just for simple things either but for major changes in the facility, then when the changes are delivered, they are either never right or she has lost interest so it dosent matter any more. We have tried all the usual things like being very nice or firm with her, doing as she requests, giving her a project to do, keeping her mentally challenged, she also has friends, not in the facility that she visits weekly. It seems to be her nature so there is no stop to it.

This is more a request of help for us, the staff, as dealing with her saps all our energy and enthusiasm.

Kim avatar

Hi Opal,you cannot always please some people.You are their for all your residents.Let your management team deal with the complaints and you give your all to you appreciative residents

Solange avatar

Hi Opal, that sort of problem is present in most long term care homes. It is discouraging and tiring for staff to have one client taking so much of their time. I feel for you, however, if it is in her nature to be so, there is little you can do. Most likely she is bored and needs some very challenging tasks to get totally involved with. I would push for even more connection with existing friends (outside facility). A network of friends to chat and go out with is invaluable. The resident’s family may be able to help by enabling hobbies and leisure pursuits, accompanying on outings, and facilitating games. Inside the facility, she may enjoy organising (with help) a food tasting session for a small group (fruit or cheese), or be the leader in some table game of choice, also seek her assistance in writing/making Mother’s Day cards for ailing residents, making cookies in the recreation area and sending to the kitchen to be baked. Also remember to praise her every time she behaves well or is kind to someone; praise can do wonders. I hope this helps. Best wishes

Chant avatar

Is there a possibility to hire a PSW that can be with her to meet all of her needs, like a companion, to be able to provide all of the energy that is required?

We once had an individual that really required lots of TLC and etc...the family hired an individual from an outside agency to come and visit at "peak hours"

Have a staff member play different parts that would require her assistance, Maybe with accounting, Residence Council, Housekeeping, Dietary, Welcoming Commitee, Recipe selection for Daily Meal Planning... Training of Volunteers... It can either be Mock or for Real

I know it is easier said than done! But think of all of the people you put a smile on their face verus the challenging one`s . Sometimes the challenge can be motivating or exhausting... You are doing a great job and don`t give up!

It`s really hard to please everyone!

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Jeannie Butcher
Life Enrichment Coordinator United States Flag
Jeannie Butcher

I was hesitant at first to sign up for another website for activities, but I have been pleasantly surprised. It has been fun to search all you have to offer and during Covid-19 your site has helped me and our other Life Enrichment Coordinator so much. I truly appreciate all you do and provide. It just gets better all the time. Our residents love the word searches because they are so bold and clear. We have used many of your ideas and I’m so grateful! Thank you!