
Adriana avatar

I am trying to find easy fundraisers that I can do for and with my residents for the Resident council to raise funds for our entertainment fund. Do you find that entertainers are asking for an arm and a leg...for an hour of entertainment. Gone are the volunteers who give back to the community and to our seniors. Anyone have some good ideas that aren't the same ones everyone does for fundraisers?

Susan avatar

Here is a link to many ideas

Here are a few more ideas

Have a volunteer, willing and creative staff member, or perhaps students from a school make somethings you could sell. They could almost finish the craft or whatever. Have the residents put the finishing touches on the project.

Perhaps church or scout troop member could help you out as well especially if you explain the situation to them.

Have you tried calling dance studios, voice teachers and alike? They may have students that need a place to practice their performances

Try to negotiate with the entertainers. Even if they will not do it for free, they may lower their price.

Explain the situation to them. I have done this and have gotten some to agree to lower their price even if it was just for one performance. They want to entertain. Most love the elderly especially if you have a fun loving group that participates by singing along at the performances

Pauline avatar

Hi Adriana, I have been raising money for special events by holding a silent auction. Ask staff or family and friends to donate items in good condition that they no longer need. Place about four or five items on a table .Have a sheet of paper for each item with description of item on top.Underneath have two columns.One headed "Name" where bidder writes their name. 2nd column head "Your Bid". Bidder writes in amount they would be willing to pay for that item. Next bidder does same on next line. Each bidder can bid more than once if someone has outbid them and they really want it. .THEY THEN GO DOWN UNDER LAST BIDDER ON NEW LINE AND MAKE A HIGHER BID AND SO ON.LEAVE IT UP FOR ABOUT A WEEK.THEN COLLECT UP AND HIGHEST BIDDER PAYS FOR THAT ITEM AND KEEPS IT(WHEN THEY HAVE PAID for it)This has been very successful .

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