
Dima avatar

Hi Everyone, what do you consider to be music therapy?

Is it residents sitting in a room on their own or in a group just listening to music?

Solange avatar

Hi Dima, not at all. Music activities must be meaningful to the person listening to it: the key is to find the music that resonates with your clients. You can plan individual sessions where the client listens to the music of his era and preference, or group sessions where clients participate actively: singing/playing melodic or rhythmic instruments: percussion, clapping, rhyming. By the way, Music Therapists have professional training, (postgraduate level). They work with children and adults to address social/emotional behaviour, anxiety, eating disorders and communication difficulties. Their aim is to facilitate positive behaviour changes, among other things.

Christin avatar

I think to call it music therapy it must be done by a Music Therapist. There are a variety of things you can do involving therapeutic music activities though. We offer a Rhythm Band activity with instruments and have participants follow a beat or play their own music. Sing alongs, Name That Tune, Entertainment, listening to music individually based on interest, etc.

Laura avatar

We only label an activity Music Therapy if it is led by our Music Therapist. If it is not led or supervised by a certified music therapist it could be therapeutic music but not music therapy. If that makes sense.

Susan avatar

Hi Laura

Yes this does make perfect sense

Thanks for sharing

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Janaya Scholten
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Janaya Scholten

A colleague referred this resource to assist in implementing our activities program many years ago. I felt, I had struck 'gold.' It has been immeasurable in assisting to provide new material and ideas to stimulate our clients. I will be a member for my working life. Thank you!