
Fiona avatar

Looking for suggestions , we have a gentleman in the Memory support section with challeging behavours . Going into the fridge ( have placed safety locks , no entry and stop signs to no success ) , he pulls door handles off the doors .He was a electrician before retirement .

Staff escort him on afternoon walks , 1:1 activities .

Penny avatar

Hi Fiona have you looked at getting a old fridge for him to go to, also maybe you could also get him some locks with keys lock all the locks and see if he can open them with the keys, see if the maintenance person can build you a board with things on it the he can go and touch that he might of used when he was a electrician make sure that these are on a chain. I hope this helps.

Carol avatar

Could you get old appliances e.g. toasters and give him a screw driver to fix (dismantle) it Cut the cords off so he cannot plug them in.

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Andrea Wheeler
Activity Director Canada Flag
Andrea Wheeler

I just wanted to tell you that this addition of "This day in History" is phenomenal!!!! I've been looking for something like this, and to have it all done, makes my job so much easier! I love your website and my seniors enjoy all of the great activities! THANK YOU!!