
Melissa avatar

what activities is everyone planning for Valentines Day? Many thanks

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

Hi Melissa,

Valentine's Day card making in arts and crafts is probably one of my favorite because so many residents want to make something for their loved ones (and staff!) Also, interesting tidbit I just heard on the radio the other day the candy sweethearts with sweet messages on them won't be reshelved this year, so it may make for an interesting "in the news."

Julie avatar

We also get our residents to communicate what love means to them, write it down, paint etc, craft an old card into a love heart and place on a board and afterwards we put it on their door..also can laminate if time permits

Nancy avatar

We have done a baby picture guess who. Very fun. Scan the pictures and give em back so you don't loose any, which i have done. Put up on a board numbered and see who can guess staff and residents>

Susan avatar

Hi Nancy

What a great idea

We have done this during Nursing Home Week


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Nola Taylor
AIN/Activities Officer Australia Flag
Nola Taylor
I love this website, so much information. I am just starting to work in activities and this is just perfect. I am studying Cert IV in activities and Leisure, this website will be so helpful. Thank you to the creators who created this website.