
Carolyn avatar

Im the Activity Co-ordinator in a care home for the elderly with mostly late stage dementia.

In the mornings most residents sit in the lounge and from 10am-12.15, I have to provide an activity. Theres little space so ball games or similar are out of the question.

I find two hours too long for one activity, both for the residents and myself. The Manageress and myself are trying to get staff to encourage residents into the conservatory area when Ive located a table and theres more space, but care staff seem to have formed a habit of guiding the residents into the lounge, saying things like "they prefer to be in here" I think the residents are taken in there because its asier for the staff.

There is a lady who s dementia is in the very late stages and always makes a continous loud noise and always sits in the conservatory. Hense when I try to do an activity in there, staff are reluctant to take her out and it puts the remaining residents off going into the room. Im at my wits end as how to cope. Ive been an Activity Co-ordinator for many years and in the past alway allowed approx an hour for an activity, as it seemed the best length of time for the residents. Im exhausted with the battle. Anyone any ideas.

Susan avatar

Hi Carolyn

I had a group of low functioning residents

I like to do a one to one activity with in the group

Low functioning residents need one to one interaction

I used to go around the room and talk to each person individually facilitating a group interaction

I would say the resident's name and say

How does that make you feel

As you know feelings are the last thing to go

I think a Music activity would be good because it does not take up a lot of space and many residents can relate to music even if they are non verbal

Chereyne  avatar

We use music and singing alot. Golden Memories Karoke have great DVD's for you to sing along with the resident and more often than not the residents respond and sing with us. Poems and short stories might also break it up. We have a resident that made a constant noise and looked back into her past and found she was religious and will have a 1:1 doing a rosary or saying prayers with her, she joins in.

Good luck

*ps there are many other karoke dvds or even try Youtube has alot of music your residents will relate to

Susan avatar

Hi Carolyn

I like Chereyne's suggestions

I like music also

I've played it a game that I called name that tune but instead of playing the music I would say the first word of the title and then see if someone could say the whole title

I would keep adding words to the title till someone would name the song

Then we would sing the song

If you have a really low functioning group then make cards with numbers one through 12 one number on each card

Then make a list of 12 songs of the residents favorite songs

Give each person a turn picking a card and sing the song with the matching number on the list

Using touch is very important squeezing a residents hand or patting or rubbing their back makes them feel good usually

Make sure to address each resident by name

Here are some other suggestions on Golden Carers

Let me know if I can be of further assistance

Sharon avatar

Praying for you Carolyn. God bless you sweetie.

Kelly avatar
Kelly Lead Activities Co-ordinator

I work in a similar environment,middle to end stage dementia. I tend to do 1-1 sessions in the morning with an allocated few or that day, and for the rest in the area I put on some music or hand out some quizzes, reading materials for those who can.

The mornings are very busy with carers assisting with morning routines and breakfasts that it just didn't make sense fr me to do a group session in the morning. I do my group sessions in an afternoon.

Elisa avatar
Elisa Senior Activity Coordinator

Hi, I have a system to help floor staff to help residents move to specific locations at specific times for group activities or just to avoid "warehousing" and overcrowding rooms. I make lists of residents with times and locations that are available for the staff to consult.

It is not a panacea, and it is time consuming but at least if it is not followed you can go to the line manager and ask for reasons why it has not been followed.

So for example, where I work now all the residents used to go to the activity room for exercises (25 to 35 residents every day) and many could not follow the exercises due to disability or did not want to do exercises. So I started the list, and now we have 17 residents who want to do the exercises and can manage a big group, and the rest are helped into a "Morning club" led by a carer that focusess more on residents with higher needs and a siting room for those who want a relaxed morning.

I would make a list for each day, for each room and each "activity". So in the morning there was a list for the exercises, a list for the morning club and a list for the TV room and in the afternoon there was a list for each sitting room, and each planned activity. If one has acces to a computer and printer, it is easier as you can copy and paste, I do not have access to a computer so is is done by hand on a whipe clean pages. Those lists are given to the nurse in charge in the afternoon for the next morning and the nurse have to read them aloud during the morning handover and are left in a handy place to be consulted when needed. Once everybody gets used to the system, I started writing the list of the group activities only.

Susan avatar

Wow Elisa

It sounds like you are doing a great job I hope all appreciate your efforts

Elisa avatar
Elisa Senior Activity Coordinator

My manager seems to appreciate, however I still have more difficulties explaining to nurses and care assistants why 30 people in a room for a group qctiviry might not be a good idea and why residents should not be left in a single place just because it's easier not to move them around regardless of their interest or ability.

Susan avatar

I know Carers can be resistive

Rest assured that the residents appreciate your efforts

Perhaps you can have a contest to motivate the Carers to bring people to the appropriate places or you can ask if they have any ideas

We had a system where we gave out cards that said I caught you doing something good

Then all those who got a card brought it to the personnel director and she picked out one card a month and gave them a prize

It seemed to be motivating

However you need to give the Carers positive reenforcement

Good luck

Thanks for all you do

Solange avatar

Hi Elisa, unfortunately, it is an ongoing problem. The nurses are still ‘task-oriented’ despite efforts in the industry to change this system. The best policy is to befriend carers so cooperation is forthcoming without grudges.

In the meantime try to divide the residents into 3 or 4 groups and have volunteers to help you. It is almost impossible to care for large groups the way they deserve without help. All the best.

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Julia Barnes
Activity Coordinator United Kingdom Flag
Julia Barnes

Keep up the good work, Golden Carers. I couldn't do my job without you!