
Nesha avatar

Hello :) I've been working as an activities coordinator now for almost 3 months. I absolutely adore it and I'm slowly getting the hang of it.

My residents love crafts, quizzes music, CAKE and having new experiences.

Last week I booked a creepy crawly animal therapy session (zoolabuk are amazing), we had a company come in and do pottery painting, st Patrick's day we had a singer in and today we had a magician do rounds of the home and show us some close up magic.

Problem is I'm running out of funds fast. We have been doing raffles and that brings in quite a bit but I need something that helps me raise money weekly just to keep it topped up. Any ideas??

Molly avatar
Molly Activity Professional & Writer

These are great resources, Susan! Thank you for sharing.

Nesha sounds like you are having a ton of fun with the residents! There are also a few cost-saving ways to have large events. Team up with a local elementary school and invite the choir to perform for your residents or we once had a hospice agency throw a casino day for our residents and a Mary-Kay makeover day with the residents at no cost because it was a part of their outreach efforts. Or if you are looking for a musician reach out to a local university to see if any of their students want to perform (which is great for their resume!)

Also, consider the talents of your fellow staff and residents! We put on a comedy show for free by asking residents and staff to be involved that activity example is in this article

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Lenny Lerro
DJ and Mobile Entertainer United States Flag
Lenny Lerro

I just renewed my membership and going into my second year. When I got the notification that my first year was expiring, I knew I had to renew, there was no doubt in my mind. GoldenCarers is PRICELESS! As a DJ and mobile entertainer for over 38 years much of my business is with assisted living facilities and GoldenCarers has taken it above and beyond my competition. It always has something useful and too many to point out. I could no imagine running my business without GoldenCarers. You guys ROCK!