
Miriam  avatar

Looking for book suggestions for starting a book club for some picky residents. Just put in on my calendar so not sure of what good books to start off with. Open to any ideas that would help!!!

Susan avatar

I need to know what level you are residents are at

I did a book club with chicken soup for the soul stories but I suspect they are at a lower level than your residents

I think you should ask the people who would be in the group because those are the ones you have to please

Here are some other suggestions

Looking forward to hearing from you

simonne avatar

How do you run a book club?

Thanks :-)

Susan avatar

Running a book club is very dependent on the residents you are doing it with

Because of the level of function of the groups we have we chose a chicken soup for the soul story that one of the staff read aloud and then had a discussion about it

Some of the residents read the story ahead of time

You could make copies of a short story and distribut it to the residents who are interested

But I think having someone read the story aloud is a good idea to get the group going

Elisa avatar
Elisa Senior Activity Coordinator

There is a great book about reading and dementia

Reading in the Moment: Activities and Stories to Share with Adults with Dementia by Anne Vize.

I run a group in my home and we do both, giving copies to each resident to read together or in turns and somebody reading the full story aloud.

But most of the time, I read for them and we talk about the story as most of my residents have very low levels of education but enjoy stories.

Kathy avatar

We let the members of our book club take turns choosing the book for the month. They all seem to understand that one may be chosen they may not enjoy....The residents take turns passing the book(s) around during the month so that they all do not have to purchase one. This seems to work well for our group of independent living residents.

Susan avatar

Thank you Kathy for your input it sounds a good for those in the independent living but for those in the nursing home atmosphere it may be too difficult for them to do

Miriam make sure you take the needs and wants of your residents into consideration

Olwyn avatar

I read small snippets of local history stories to the residents in high care. The local, colloquial language inspires reminiscence and further stories. To others that are bed ridden, I have read Children's bed time stories, and adventure stories from their childhood. Of course this depends on their individual likes and preferences. They choose the book they want to hear from a trolley that has items of interest that suit them eg. ex florist has gardening books.

Susan avatar

Thank you Olwyn

It sounds like you're doing great things and have great ideas

Just make sure that your notes state that the residents like children's stories and they give them great pleasure because you really need to keep things adult like

Thanks again for your comments and suggestions

Susan avatar

Do not forget to say that the activities give the residents pleasure as evidenced by

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Life Enrichment Coordinator United States Flag
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