
Amanda avatar

Hello! I just got a couple tablets for my residents to use and I am looking for a policy for electronics. Does anyone have anything similar that they would send me? I am also in need of a disinfecting policy.. anything would help. Thank You!

Susan avatar

Hi Amanda

Read this comment because Juanita had the same questions

Solange avatar

Hi Amanda, I would say that all shared electronics like virtual tennis/golf games should be sterilized after each resident uses it including side tables, chair armrest, etc. I would also have a fresh chair cover seat for each person. A combination of cleaning and disinfection is recommended because the cleaning takes off any debris/soil which allows for better sterilization. Keep safe.

Nina avatar

HI Amanda, We are in lock down and all residents are in their rooms only.

I have 6 new ipads here for my residents and they are used in our covid unit so that they can stay in touch with their loved ones.

I use it for daily religious /spiritual services, or as we have residents from different countries TV in their native language, music the same. I use it for memory care for showing funny videos of animals: puppies and kittens works great!

I also use it for zoom or face time with their families. The ipads are cleaned between each use and are maintained by myself

About 6/7 residents per ipad

It is awesome I received a grant from the state to purchase the ipads and they are such an enrichment for my residents!

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Linda Beale
Activities Coordinator United Kingdom Flag
Linda Beale

This website has been such a tremendous asset to me in providing such great ideas. The clients have enjoyed the picture bingo, quizzes and I am looking forward to doing word ladders with them for the first time very soon. I also print out crosswords and word searches and make up booklets for them to do in their rooms. I will be definitely rejoining.