
Adele avatar

Hi not sure if this is allowed but Im wondering if anyone has done this course -Activities Training Assessment Certificate. Im struggling with the last unit, not done any training since I left school 40 years ago!

Looking for a bit of help if possible.

Thanks In Advance

Susan avatar

Hi Adele

I am not sure what activities assessment training is but I’m guessing it’s similar to the MEPAP training in the United States For activity director certification

Do you have some specific questions??

Solange avatar

Hi Adele, what is the subject of your last unit?

Adele avatar

Hi Susan and Solange

The last unit covers

Presentation Skills

Self awareness and perception of others

Body language

Effective communication techniques


Understanding confusion

Ageing process

Encouragement skills


Is it okay to ask as I go along, Im not the least bit academic and just want to finish this last unit.

Susan avatar

Hi Adele

Are you supposed to give definitions of each of the items listed or are you supposed to give examples or both??

Adele avatar

Hi Susan,

To start with i have to think of 12 negative and 12 positives of getting old, so far I have

Loneliness Pride

Dependance Carefree

Fear Secure

Solange avatar

Hi, Adele, Just a few thoughts on the subject. Self-awareness is the ability to see yourself clearly and objectively so you can extend it to others. It is a key component of emotional intelligence and relates to how your internal emotional states and strengths/weaknesses (among other things) can impact on those you care for. Having a good self-awareness makes you a better caregiver in that you can handle interpersonal relationships in a professional, empathetic way. The rapport you build with your client will be superior; you will be able to better recognize and assess the behaviors, sadness, and negative feelings of clients. There are many ways to develop self-awareness:

1 - Practice mindfulness 2 - Ponder on how you react to stress 3 - Try to put yourself in other people’s place 4 - Use honesty and humility 5 - Be open to perspectives of other races and ethnicity 6 - Take responsibility for your wrong doings and apologize sincerely 7 - Recognize implicit bias.

Solange avatar

Hi Adele,

Best positive aspects of growing old; grandchildren, wisdom, mellow, more time for friends, time for hobbies, Volunteering, seniors discount.

Negative aspects of growing old: aches and pains, feeling unattractive, no longer driving at night, away from family, boredom, missing the fast pace life they lived, losing friends,

Adele avatar

Thank you Solange.

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