
Nadine avatar
Nadine Activity Coordinator And Carer

hello everyone,

i was hoping for some inspiration on how everyone will be celebrating mothersday in the uk during lockdown with the residents , as its difficult as you all know with most areas with not having visitors so i was hoping to do something special on the run up to mothersday to show them their families still care even tho they are not visiting as often as they did.

thanks in advance nadine

Susan avatar

Hi Nadine

I do not live in the UK

Where I live in Nevada many assisted living and nursing homes residents have been vaccinated so things are almost back to normal

But for you it sounds like things are not the same

I don’t know what type of residents you have

Here are some ideas

You can do a virtual get together using zoom or some other type of online gathering

You could decorate your facility and have the residents make some decorations independently

You may have to adapt and modify these activities to meet the needs of the residents

Let the residents keep some decorations to decorate their room

Here are some affective ways to communicate with families

Let us know what you decide to do

Thank you

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