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Diversional TherapistSalena Riley
Development Worker
I’m loving your website, it’s been a great help to me over the last six months since I started my new role. Lots of hints and tips, great activities, and it’s great that we can contribute too. It’s fantastic to have such a universal source of information, how we have a common goal and language despite our worldwide locations. Thank you!
Hi All
I am in Brisbane, Qld. Working in low care unit with small dementia population.
I am looking for some entertainment - especially would love something like a performing dog act etc.
Please feel free to contact me with your ideas or links - [email protected]
Hi Julie, I don't know of any performing dogs acts but the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) could perhaps give you some information about volunteers who visit nursing homes with their dogs.You could also try advertising in your newsletter for a volunteer with a calm and docile pet to come for a visit.
Lort Smith Animal Hospital
Delta Dogs have usually been screened to go in to NH etc for their suitability. All dogs have to pass a stringent test before they are classed as registed with these orgainisation for the safety of the resident/client. They are tested for a whole ranger of things under different circumstances.
If you are after visits from dogs you could try the local dog clubs. They often have groups that do tricks and are happy to show off their dogs to people.