
Brenda avatar

Good morning all, can you please help? We have a gentleman in our care home who is apsalutley besotted with the fire service, we have had our local fire fighters come out, he loved it, does anyone know of any recorcesi could print off for him , thank you Brenda

Susan avatar

Hi Brenda

Why don’t you ask the people who came in to your facility for this demonstration if they have any written information you could have

I am sure you could find something on the Internet that would meet your needs

Golden Carers has information about fire safety

You’ll have to see if this is a good idea

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Sherrie Gardner
Recreational Therapist United States Flag
Sherrie Gardner

Your site is easy to use, I use it more often than the one our consultant has set up! I use so many of your ideas and love the Facebook page where everyone shares ideas, concerns and triumphs! I feel connected to a big wonderful caring society! I am always telling my co-workers how awesome Golden Carers is. I feel it is more in touch with the needs of my residents than many of the other Recreational Therapy sites.