
Katja avatar
Katja Recreation Activiites Officer

Would love to have a folder on this website with short stories and poetry such as inspirational, humour etc. Or even if anybody has a great websites so I can put together a folder. Any ideas would be welcome.

Lesley avatar

I have a poem my clients love:-

Grandma's Laundry

I remember Grandma's laundry,

With a basket made of cane,

And lines that stretched from wall to wall,

To hang things when it rained.

There used to be a copper,

Out where Grandma toiled,

It used to take forever to wash,

When the water reached the boil.

There were twin tubs made of concrete,

With a ringer in between,

A ringer in a laundry now,

Is hardly ever seen.

Upon a shelf a little box,

Of starch called "Silver Star",

Kero tins for buckets,

Remember back that far??,

A dipper with a handle,

To help our Grandma cope,

And a little wire basket,

With a piece of 'Sunlight Soap',

She used to have a washboard,

For scrubbing out the clothes,

You must be getting on in years,

If you used one of those.

A saucer on the window sill,

With bags of 'Reckitts Blue',

To make the white clothes whiter,

And good for bee stings too.

Some sandsoap and a scrubbing brush,

For scrubbing all the floors,

And some firewood for the copper,

In a box behind the door.

A tin roof and some guttering,

With a funny sort of sag,

And a heap of wooden dolly pegs,

In a homemade hessian bag.

And out the back a clothes line,

Not the kind that spins around.

A clothes prop held the clothes up high,

From dragging on the ground.

I wonder what would Grandma say,

If she could only see,

That wash-a-matic marvel,

Where the copper used to be.

The dryer in the corner,

The tubs of stainless steel,

Hot water pouring from the taps,

I wonder how she'd feel.

I think that Grandma would approve,

The changes made and yet,

There were things in Grandma's Laundry,

That I simply can't forget.

Author unknown.

Solange avatar

Hi Lesley, thank you for this beautiful poem.

Solange avatar

Hi Katja,

It is really hard to find inspirational poems and suitable short stories that hold the attention of seniors. I am always looking for them and so far I haven't found a site that enthused me. However Golden Carers is being updated and we will have lots of poems, inspirational quotes and short stories soon.

All the best,


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Ngoc Burgess
Aged Care Lifestyle Student Australia Flag
Ngoc Burgess

Thank you so much Golden Carers, I really love using this website. It has been helping my study a lot and I will stick with you for as long as I work in the Aged Care industry.