
Thea avatar

Hello there, I am a new member of the GoldenCarers and also new to this career.

It will be a great help to have people that been doing this pathway to help the elders and the ones suffering from their physical immobility and mentally.

It will be nice to hear all the advice and help I can get from the other members to become successful in assisting the elders in the CarerHome.

I’m so glad on this website and helping me to check and try but other ones I couldn’t understand the games as instructed

Thank you everyone..

Susan avatar

Hi Thea

This career is what you make it

If you are good which I’m sure are you are you can make any activity successful

I call it I triple E

I involve include everyone

I am enthusiastic excited and engaging with all activities

If you have any questions about a specific activity, iCan help me further

Thea avatar

Thanks Susan

I will do

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Lizzie Archer
Activities Coordinator United Kingdom Flag
Lizzie Archer

Hello, I have just renewed my membership after spending a year with Golden Carers. My residents in the home where I am Activities leader have totally enjoyed all the activities I have used from your website. I have used your newsletter templates, quizzes, word games, "This Day in History", painting pages, seasonal topics, and many more. Keep up the good work in helping us provide meaningful care for our precious residents that we are privileged to look after ✨️