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leisure&Lifestyle assistantJacqui Oughtred
Leisure And Lifestyle Coordinator
I am loving everything Golden Carers has to offer. The printable calendars are a huge hit and the activities make planning so easy. Thanks Golden Carers!!
Good and bad day on Friday - had done all the prep. work for Word Games & Quizzs, promoted this by PA announcement and walked around the dining room reminding residents of the days events but they didnt seem interested. no one turned up to the activity,I felt a bit flat at first. but what a good opportunity for 1-1 visits, interviewed a new resident re: interests wasnt to bad a day after all.n residents just wanted to relax and watch the tennis which was fine to. but the numbers are dwidling for activities. does anyone else experience this ??
Kate please don't feel too bad about this it is not you it is usual at this time of year' remember your residents have been with their families over christmas new year, it is hot and they are tired so watching tv in their rooms is what they want to do remember how you feel on a hot day and for them it is twice as bad. I used to complete a couple of 1-1 visits during this time and then catch up on some of that much needed paperwork. The residents will let you know when they are ready to put their time in for activities and believe it or not it is usually about the second week in february when the entertainers start coming back. pauline
I also have experienced this Kate, it does make you feel a bit flat, but use the down time to connect by doing 1.1 visits and perhaps some pre planning. They will regain that energy, especially if your volunteers have a break, like ours do during January. Good Luck
thank you Pauline - its what I needed to hear, bit of reassurance. I can understand the residents situation during this time. I might provide more word games leave in their rooms.
Hi kate yes your not alone in this area we all feel like this at this time of year and even sometimes throughout and because we all love our jobs and want to do the best for our residents we are the ones who get disheartened. just like Pauline said, use the time to do the much needed paperwork we all have that goes with the job or 1-1 sessions. Good luck and keep your chin up. xxx
regards Heather