
Heather avatar

HI I provide activities for 40 high care residents in a residential facility, majority of residents have a diagnosis of dementia and to.provide meaningful activities I find one on one sessions more beneficial to them as when im groups sessions they do not have input or concentrationIs I just feel one group activity per day works well Group sessions of relaxation/sensory, music/singalongs, Etc work I thinking down the wrong lines if I am not. Where could I find some documentation on this. I really like person centred approach and.want to provide meaningful activities for all.not just a few. Your advice would be most appreciated. Regards Heather.

Talita avatar

Hi Heather,

Here are some articles that may be of assistance:

Person-Centred Care

Montessori-Based Activities

Hope this helps!

Heather avatar

HI Talita,

Thanks for your help , I understand this is the right way to go and have been trying but my groups are far to large. When I said we have 40 residents that is 40 high care dementia residents to one activities officer and thats me. I program and deliver acticities and care staff/management expect me to do it all which is impossible. I have started my evaluations on how many residents really engage in large groups of activities provided and I have the same 7 or 8 each time. I have spent hours re-programming for smaller groups which will allow meaningful engagement and one on one session now it's time to convince management and care staff this is the way we need to go. Thank you for your advice. I love this site it offers so much more than just activities it offers support. Thanks Heather

Solange avatar

Hi Heather, indeed one-on-one sessions for clients living with Alzheimer’s is the best solution but alas not often possible for many reasons. Also large groups do not work with high-care clients. Every client is an individual and to provide meaningful activities require creativity and MANPOWER. You are on the right path with sensory activities, music, and movement. You may add washing dishes (plastic dishes), washing and hanging clothes (dolls' clothes or small items), baking simple dishes. However I would suggest you get some help from volunteers or clients’ relatives to lead small groups. This way you could have three small groups going at once. Hopefully management will notice the three groups working well and give you more support. Best wishes.

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Khalid Lamlih
Lifestyle Coordinator Australia Flag
Khalid Lamlih

You have been such a valuable asset to my work. I love this site and I use it a lot. love Golden Carers