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“What a great website....fantastic! Thank you for such great content and recourses”
Cathy Watson, Diversional Therapist
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Made power point of your 'these go together' activity. I find it easier with my residents to have something they can see, rather than just say the answers. Hope someone can use it.
Hi Kylie
Thank you
Thankyou Sherry Carman for the helpful hints and everyone
Will def give dice bingo a spin
Hi sorry to be a thicko but am I presuming correctly that you must roll a one to be able to start the game and then no more crossing off until you get a 2 etc x also dis you give residents one roll of the dice per turn or let them have more x thanks for your help in advance
Hi Linda
My residents take one turn each and they cross off one of the numbers for whatever they roll. It doesn't have to be a one first, just whatever they roll and there will come a time that they won't be able to cross something off because they have crossed off all of that one number but still need other numbers, Everyone will revamp a game to whatever works best for their residents.
We take turns and what you roll you cover what shows up on the dice. Example: if you roll 3 and 5, then you cover one 3 and one 5. And say you roll a 3 and a 5 and all your 5's are covered then you only get to cover one 3. And remember this is a cover All!! I hope this makes since.
Hi Linda
I think you can do whatever works best for your residents and your facility
My residents are enjoying this new spin on one of their old favourites :)
Thanks so much for your feedback Tamara!
Hi Sherry
Thank you for sharing this information
My Residents LOVE playing this game!! The only thing is when we played with one Die it took way to long with 8 plus people playing so we use 2 dice and it works out a lot better. With using 2 dice it only takes about 15 - 20 minutes to play 1 game. Farkle was their favorite game but now its Dice Bingo and they love winning prizes!!
This is mixing it up a bit. I am sure the residents are going to love playing with the dice but they don't mind playing with anything as long as there are prizes.
Hi Kristina,
My clients are the same. They love playing normal Bingo and especially enjoy playing the reminiscing Bingo as well. The best part of this activity is when they win a prize. I'm going to try them on the new Dice Bingo and see how that goes with them.
Yes I love this idea too. Thanks for your feedback Kristina, I hope it goes down well!
Thanks for sharing another great activity Carman!
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Dice Bingo