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“Thank you so much!! You provide such an awesome service to us! You are really appreciated.”
Del McAlister, Activity Officer
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July 17, 2022 is World Emoji Day and I was excited to check out this project for my Bingo calling tomorrow at the assisted living place where my Mom lives. But I don't really understand how to play the game. What do you do with the little balls? Also, how do you describe or call out the emoji's? Do residents understand what they're seeing?
I love these ideas. We will definitely be playing the Emoji and Bunker bingo at our facility. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your feedback Nacol!
Great idea.
Thanks for this.
I'm going to use this with my disability clients. I will set up a tournament between houses!
Wow I love this idea Rob, so creative! Thank you for sharing!
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: EmojiBingo