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“Thank you so much - I love the site. It has been so helpful and Im glad I joined!”
Fidelma Carroll, Activity Co-Ordinator
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Owen, you always put a smile on my face!
I love the site and sharing ideas with others. At our Seniors Club meetings at Tawa in Wellington, New Zealand we have a cooked midday meal before which I say the grace. As a Scout, I sometimes use the Scout Grace of "For health and strength and daily food we give you thanks O Lord, for fellowship and all things good we praise your name O Lord.' But I like to ring the changes and spring new ones on the residents. There are many on the internet but if anyone has something different maybe a site could be started on Golden Careers. Let's commence one by using the schoolboy grace of "Two, four, six, eight, bog in don't wait."
Owen, who is always ready to try some more.
We have used this one ourselves and found some residents had not heard of a number of the nursery rhymes. Perhaps their childhood was not complete. What a pity! However they all enjoyed hearing them and even loved singing a number of the rhymes. Try the game everyone you may enjoy it too.
My training as a Scout Leader does have some use for thinking of new ideas, not just for developing new activities for Boy Scouts. Glad to know this one is of use to others and am pleased to share it on this wonderful site.
Owen, Life Member, Scouts New Zealand
Good to hear that this activity is one which others find useful. Golden Carers is a great site for new activities as well as sharing your successes with others. There is no end to useful activities for Seniors so keep it up.
This looks like a good activities for our ladies and gentlemen.
Another great activity Owen, thank you for sharing!
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Finish the Nursery Rhymes