Free Activity Calendar for Seniors

Free Activity Calendar for Seniors
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Print out your activity calendar each month and fill it in as you go! The calendar is pre-filled with events from the Golden Carers Calendar. It's fully editable so you can add, remove, and update events as you need.

Create Your Calendar

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Rick avatar


Just started using this yesterday. I'm converting the .pdf to .jpg and using on a Senior Center TV as signage. Is there any way to format the .pdf into a 16:9 format to make it more legible? I cannot change the aspect ratio when its in slideshow mode.

Thanks, Rick

Maurice avatar

Hi Rick,

That's an interesting use of the calendars!

I'm not sure I understand the issue though. Slideshow mode on a 16:9 screen should just add black bars left and right. I believe powerpoint has a 16:9 screen mode, so you could drag the JPG into that and re-export if you want an all-white display.

The issue with providing a 16:9 equivalent for each paper size is how vertically short that size is, it would almost always spill onto 2 pages or scale the font to be very small.

If you send a photo of the issue to [email protected] I can take a look!

Gillian avatar

Love that this is available to edit

Talita avatar

Thanks for your feedback Gillian!

Tish avatar
Tish Life Enrichment Coordinator

Hi! How many lines of activities can you get on a calendar day? I sometimes have 8 events on one day. Thanks!


Maurice avatar

Great to hear your solution Linda! Another idea is to print on a larger paper size, like A3 or Tabloid, and then switch to Portrait mode. That will give you far more room vertically and it may just onto 1 page depending on the number of activities. :)

Linda avatar

We have the same problem, needing 6 lines some days.

You can't get more than 4 lines unless you go lower in font size than 10, which is too small for our residents.

So what we do is print it on 2 pages, then cut the 2nd page out & stick it on the bottom of the first page. Kind of old school, but it works!

Gillian avatar

Thank you so much. Such a briliant resource. I cant thank you enough

Talita avatar

Thanks so much Gillian! I'm so glad it is helpful for you!

Alison avatar

I just looked at the Calendars which I had seen but didn't take the time to investigate properly, I am so impressed and will be using them from now on. Such a wonderful website for DT's, thank you so much.

Talita avatar

Thank you SO Much for your feedback Alison! We appreciate it so much! x

Susan avatar

I joined the free trial for Golden Care Tools. I love the Calendar set up. You can list all activities and manoeuvre them around without having to physically type each activity in for each day. I cannot seem to find out how to do that with this calendar and I cannot justify the cost for Golden Care Tools for the calendar when I have already paid for this site. Do you have any suggestions?

Maurice avatar

Hi Susan!

The Calendars on Golden Carers (above) are designed in a way that people can download the templates and use them however they like. It's fully up to them to add, remove, update, and plan their calendars on a monthly basis.

The Golden Care Tools ( system is a far more sophisticated online program that is designed as a professional service. Generally, a facility or workplace will pay for Golden Care Tools directly, as it lets you add and manage clients, schedule activities, and then allows detailed reports to be created for and use for accreditation and government audits.

You can see a quick overview of the features here:

The Quickstart video is a great place to see exactly how the system works:

I hope that helps answer you question!

Val  avatar

OMG, the new calendar is fantastic, can you download the whole 12mths at once to then edit ?? love the back rounds.

Maurice avatar
Awaiting approval

Yearly calendars have been added, you can now download entire years in one click! :)

Maurice avatar
Awaiting approval

Hi Shearee!

Ahh that's lovely to hear, thanks for the feedback!

We removed the yearly printing option as it didn't seem very useful when using backgrounds as they all end up being the same. However I can see how it would be useful for plain calendars.

We'll take a look and see if we can add the option :)

Talita avatar

Thanks so much for your feedback Shearee! Let me get back to you on this one!

Pam avatar

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that you turned the Calendar from Portrait to can you offer an option to start the month on Sundays instead of Monday?


Talita avatar

Thanks for your feedback Pam! The calendar is now available starting from Sunday or Monday, just select which tab is relevant to you. Cheers!

Mary avatar
Mary Trainer,Assessor Aged, Community,Disability

Thanks for the 2017 events calendar. Just in time for my new classes Nov 2016-2017. We can design our ideas around the events which covers diversity, culture, person centered focused care and individual/group event participation

love your work! Mary Ebbott. Trainer and assessor Cert 11 individual support. Cert 1V Ageing support and Leisure and Health

Talita avatar

Thanks so much for your feedback Mary! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

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