Guessing Game - Who Am I?
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“I love your website and activities, it has opened a whole new field for me.”
Annatjie Greeff, Professional Nurse
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I think the game is great but don't understand why you have princess Diana in with stars of the silver screen. Otherwise a very good game.
Hi Katharina, thanks for your feedback. You can always click on the 'make a copy' blue button to create a copy of the activity and then you can delete Princess Diana and even add other people if you like.
A new series of WHO AM I profiles are released each month, to celebrate the birthdays of famous people.
LOVE THIS!!! Definitely A Big Hit!! Thank You for sharing!!!!!
Thanks so much for your feedback Christy!
This went down so well! Can we have more of these please?
Thanks for your feedback Claire! More coming soon!
I will be joining this group at some time I really enjoy what I see
Another game is armchair travel where you have an Aussie atlas and start the tour from your town, describe which direction eg Nth East and what the town is famous for, use this to prompt to reminiscence about travel & use poetry of Aussie towns to stimulate discussion- great vision impaired exercises - Cheers Sandi
why not have a set of verbal clues, for example play a song that the famous person sang or read a quote from a speech they made?
what about clients with vision impairment in doing these activities can u suggest any.