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“Keep up the good work, Golden Carers. I couldnt do my job without you!”
Julia Barnes, Activity Coordinator
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Hey it was a great day we also had an annoying clown with a flower that squirted water, a bubble blower and a fairy floss maker, to help with the aroma we had pop corn made just before morning tea and again before lunch it worked a treat. The flower judging was of flowers we had made for other craft days for other occassions
we are using stuffed animals for the pet parade, a craft/art competition, best decorated cake (cup cake) hot dogs, strawberry and ice cream, fishing game and roll em bobs, ring toss, poultry competition using garden ornaments.
I bet it was lots of fun Maureen! Thanks for sharing!
I get someone that is going to the Ekka to buy me a dozen of the bertie beatle show bags, at a dollar each and we use them for prizes.
i love this idea thanks so much for your valuable ideas we are going to do this for next year as some of our residents are limited in being able to go to the show they surely will entertain the idea of having the show brought to them thanks so much
Kareen kovacich
There are so many great ideas on Golden Carers! Thank you!