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Haley Recreation Therapist And Writer

How to Plan Scavenger Hunts

How to Plan Scavenger Hunts
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Wendi avatar

I work in a 24 bed ALF and my residents absolutely LOVE scavenger hunts! Thank you for the additional ideas posted here. For Christmas I picked up 5 stuffed elves from the dollar store and hid them throughout the facility. I changed the locations daily for 4 days and gave them a sheet to write each day where they were located. Then they all turned in their sheets and I drew a name for a prize. They were so active and somewhat competitive and hounded me for new locations early each day!

I am planning a poker run activity this month which will be somewhat in the realm of a scavenger hunt. I hope they enjoy it!

Susan avatar

What a great idea Wendi

Thanks for sharing it. I am anxious to hear about your poker scavenger hunt.

You must be a great activity coordinator and happy new year

Guest avatar

Scavenger hunts are fun for any age, and this article serves as a thorough guide to setting up your own for friends and family. Thank you so much for sharing!

Susan avatar


Maybe you can try one of these


You will probably have to adapt and modify them so that the residents do not have to go far to participate

Also you could do this activity as a team or team one or two residents to help each other out

Let us know how it goes

Erica avatar

Thank you so much. I will let you all know how it goes :)

Erica avatar

Hello All,

These ideas are all awesome ! I was wondering if anyone had advice on how to do a scavenger hunt with persons who are less mobile. I am the activities coordinator for an adult daycare for persons with dementia. Many of my participants are less mobile and their individual cognitions level vary.

This being said they really so enjoy new and exciting things and I would love to try this in some form.

Thank you in advance for any ideas that you may have.

Kindly, Erica

Nikki avatar
Nikki Selwyn Centre Coordinator

Sounds great!

I work with people who live in the community. Our activity centre has been closed for almost 6 months due to the pandemic. I found that emailing or posting a list to each person, with items they could find at home, made this a good remote activity. For example, a family photo, something in the kitchen which is blue, an item which is more than 50 years old, a hobby or sport item, something which belonged to your elders... This is really suitable for adapting to a particular group or seasonal changes if they can see outside. Reminiscence was encouraged by looking for the older items. I'm going to follow up with a Zoom gathering after the next scavenger hunt so everyone can share their finds with others.

Talita avatar

Love these ideas, thanks for sharing Nikki x

Susan avatar


Thank you for the information

Sounds like the residents are having a lot of fun

St avatar

Thanks it sounds great, I like the sound of your questions. I am a Lifestyle Coordinator from Mount Gambier Australia.

Nikki avatar

Hello! We do Hunts on the weekends when I am not here! I make a list of things and they write in where the item is or answer a question from the list. Right now since it's cold we do Main Building Scavenger Hunts and in the warm weather we do Outside. My list may consist of, how many hearts are in the dining room? Who do you see in the living room? I may ask If I want to read a Fiction book what color dot do I look for in the library. Ha! Hope this makes sense. Have a wonderful week. Stay well!