

Health & Leisure Activities From Victoria, Australia Australia flag
I have worked across different services including community care, disabilities, home care and aged care. I have studied extensively throughout my career and currently work with residents with high care and challenging behaviours. My philosophy is kindness and consideration of all people.
maggie Health & Leisure Activities
10 years ago
Social & Cultural Profile Form
Thank you, this document is a useful tool for leisure and health
maggie Health & Leisure Activities
11 years ago
End of Year Message 2024
Thanks ever so much Solange. The month of December is usually an even bigger challenge in the aged care sector. While many people celebrate others feel the pain of having no family to join. Thats w...
maggie Health & Leisure Activities
11 years ago
International Flag Decorations
These flags will be great for International friendship day coming up. Well done.
maggie Health & Leisure Activities
14 years ago
Lunch by the Bay
We have taken a group of people from my age care facility for this type of trip - drove to a local musical show, bought fish and chips for lunch and sat by the ocean taking in the view. It was a love...
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Teresa Hutchinson
Carepartner United States Flag
Teresa Hutchinson

Golden Carers is a phenomenal and creative resource of activities for the senior population and people with dementia. They also provide resources and support for the caregiver too. I liked all the different types of activities that were available. You could pick and choose from a plethora of items the activities appropriate for your group. Keep on doing what you are doing. So many people's lives have been touched and improved by your website. Your website is a blessing to many organisations.