

Occupational Therapy Assistant From Western Australia, Australia Australia flag
Janet Occupational Therapy Assistant
8 years ago
Summer Rain Colouring-in
It is so nice to come to this site and get ideas for games and activities. Our Residents have really taken to adult colouring, so finding more pictures to colour is always great! Thanks everyone fo...
Janet Occupational Therapy Assistant
10 years ago
Hi Sandy It is a good idea to speak to local GP's about your program. You will have to make an appt and bring lunch, but if they will support your program, it should grow and grow. Best of luck with...
Janet Occupational Therapy Assistant
11 years ago
How about sensory things, like a container with buttons, or leaves, or ribbons or all of the above. Ask Residents to pick something and talk about what its for, memories etc.
Janet Occupational Therapy Assistant
11 years ago
Find It Group Activity
I have bought the large pads of "things to find" books and our Residents love them. I think they cost around $10.00 each, but there are around 20 pages and they are already in colour, so are easier t...
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Pat Fernando
Volunteer United States Flag
Pat Fernando

Taking this opportunity to say THANK YOU for the activity ideas. This website is my saviour. I love Golden Carers!