

Recreation Therapist From New South Wales, Australia Australia flag
Chantal Recreation Therapist
10 years ago
Hi Leona, we have just started trialling a later finishing time for our Lifestyle team so that we can accommodate our Dementia Specific Unit during sundowning. The things I have noticed that they see...
Chantal Recreation Therapist
11 years ago
Recycled Dream Spring Tree
This Spring tree has taken on a life of its own in our facility. Since first doing it last year we now keep the trunk of the tree and change the leaves according to the seasons. Spring is now here s...
Chantal Recreation Therapist
11 years ago
Thanks all for your shopping suggestions. I am in Sydney (sorry for not mentioning that important bit of helpful info) so most of your ideas couldnt work for me. I do have Frocks n Frill to you that...
0 Replies
Chantal Recreation Therapist
11 years ago
Hi, do any of you know of people who do clothing sales in aged care facilities. I have a lady that comes in with shoes and another with jewellery but just cant find an inhouse clothing supplier. We...
1 Reply
Chantal Recreation Therapist
11 years ago
Sensory Lap Quilt
A new activity has been posted by a Golden Carers member: Sensory Lap Quilt
Chantal Recreation Therapist
12 years ago
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone could give me some ideas' for gifts for Mothers Day. I have run out of original ideas now and am really struggling to think of something. Our budget is VERY tiny.
0 Replies
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Kim Davidson
Activity Officer Australia Flag
Kim Davidson

Golden Carers is just wonderful. An amazing resource shared all over the world. I use Golden carers on a daily basis and added with Pinterest, it just makes my job that little bit easier on those days when inspiration doesn't come easy. I love that there is always something new every time I look.